Bushfire Ratings


Dengate Joinery is committed to meeting standards of the BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating.

A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a way of measuring the degree of a building’s potential exposure to ember, radiant heat and direct flame contact. It is measured in increments of radiant heat.

A BAL is the basis for establishing the requirements for construction (under the Australian Standard AS 3959-2009 Construction of Buildings in Bushfire Prone Areas), to improve the protection of building elements from potential bushfires.

Dengate Joinery is a Licensed Bushfire Fabricator to BAL 29.
WADIC Licence Number: 1022

The BAL has six ratings:
BAL Low - Insufficient risk
BAL 12.5 - Ember attack and heat flux up to 12.5kW/m2
BAL 19 - Increasing ember attack and ignition of debris with heat flux up to 19kW/m2
BAL 29 - Increasing ember attack and ignition of debris with heat flux up to 29kW/m2
BAL 40 - Increasing ember attack and ignition of debris with increased exposure to flames and heat flux up to 40kW/m2
BAL FZ - Direct exposure to flames with heat flux greater than 40kW/m2

For more information please contact one of our team who can assist or answer any questions you may have regarding our products and bushfire protection.
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